

“If you want to know about meditation and begin a practice with a good foundation – take Adam’s class.”

Test05“I thought Adam’s class was great. I laughed a lot. He’s got a memory sharp as a tack and he can respond to any question with a great teaching tale of one master or another. His lectures broadened my understanding of Buddhism, both in terms of its schools, types of meditation, and its philosophical grounding. I also loved the experiential part of the class – the actual meditation. We were introduced to new techniques every day and got a taste of the rich diversity of practices. It really made me appreciate the wisdom of Buddhist meditation. These folks have been investigating the mind for more than a millennium, their techniques and advice are rock solid. If you want to know about meditation and begin a practice with a good foundation – take Adam’s class. He’s a living example of what a good practice can do for you.”

— Kathy Anne W., Graduate Student in Philosophy

” I am more grateful for our sessions together and the wisdom he’s brought to my life. There is less anxiety in my life, more pockets of peace and calm, more places of dignity — and, little by little, more happiness.”

“Adam is everything you want in a meditation coach. He is a warm, generous spirit. He is funny (hysterical really). He is impressively smart and knowledgeable. It is obvious when working with him or simply talking to him that he was studied diligently, put in years of hard work, learning about and practicing various contemplative traditions. He has lived in monasteries for years, and brings this background to his work. He will impress you in this way. However, it is his humility that you will feel when your session is over. As Maya Angelou said, “…people will never forget how you made them feel.” Adam makes you feel welcomed, supported and inspired. I am grateful for his assistance in helping me establish a meditation practice (no small feat). But I am more grateful for our sessions together and the wisdom he’s brought to my life. There is less anxiety in my life, more pockets of peace and calm, more places of dignity — and, little by little, more happiness.”

— Tony L., Music Promoter

“An absolutely perfect foundation for anyone interested in learning what meditation and Buddhism are about.”

“Adam’s eight week course on meditation is an absolutely perfect foundation for anyone interested in learning what meditation and Buddhism are about. If you already have an idea of what they’re about, and would like a kick start to a regular sitting practice, this is the place to find it. Each session is a comfortable blend of guided meditation, lectures, and Triscuit breaks. Adam delivers his lectures in a clear way with a soothing voice and wonderful deadpan humor that keeps it spicy, never boring. He has an amazingly broad knowledge of his subject and is sharp at answering questions, often by quoting various masters. I enjoyed experimenting with the many various techniques of meditation that Adam introduced us to. I am completely motivated and inspired to continue on this spiritual path that I have discovered through Adam’s guidance. Adam, thank you for touching my life in such a profound way and for having just the right spark to fire me onto this spiritual path.”

— Deborah T., Graphic Design Consultant

“I would recommend this course to anyone.”

“This course was a phenomenal introduction into the world of Buddhist meditation. I learned not only the history of Buddhism, I also learned the practical application of Buddhist principals and the basic techniques for establishing an ongoing meditation practice in my life. I would recommend this course to anyone for their own personal discovery of the value and benefits of Buddhist Meditation as expressed and taught by Adam Coutts.”

— Jerry C., Personal Coach and Growth Course Leader

“If you want to learn from the best, learn from Adam.”

“Adam is a wonderful teacher: he not only has the knowledge, he has the life experience, and he ties them both together with wisdom and ease. He brings both light-heartedness and serious spirituality to his classes, and the insight and openness gained in his presence is incomparable. Perhaps I am biased, as he has become a dear friend of mine over the last couple of years, however I can say for sure that if you want to learn from the best, learn from Adam. “

— Melanee N., Filmmaker and Actress

“I’ve yet to take a self-help or spiritually course that taught me as much as Adam’s course in meditation did.”

“I have taken Adam’s class, and am considering taking it again. Adam has a vast amount of information about meditation, religion, and self-help at his fingertips. He clearly has extensive experience with mediation, and he is able to share this and meet students at the level that they are. He understands and has thought about this information extensively. He has the ability to bring various sources together in a clear and concise manner that I have yet to see matched. In fact, I’ve yet to take a self-help or spiritually course that taught me as much as Adam’s course in meditation did. I found his class to be one most rewarding and bang for my buck as far as course work in San Francisco. I knew Adam prior to taking this course; I had no idea how powerful his course would be, based just on knowing him in my men’s circle and socially. This is a unique opportunity and one that should not be missed if you are working on understanding yourself, other people, and spirituality.”

— Sat Sarbat K., Accountant

“A supportive environment in which students create their own meaning and decisions regarding practice.”

Test01“Adam’s Intro to Meditation course is an excellent class in which to learn the fundamentals to meditation. The class offers both concrete information relevant to understanding and developing a practice of meditating, as well as experientially learning various types of meditation. Adam is very knowledgeable about the philosophy as well as practice of meditation. He is able to make the information accessible to students at a variety of levels in their experience and knowledge about meditation as well as offer a supportive environment in which students create their own meaning and decisions regarding practice.”

— Shira L., Psychotherapist

“Meditation that I learned from Adam remains a refuge and calming force in my life.

“It’s been two and a half years since I took Adam’s meditation class in San Francisco, and I still treasure the skills and practice I gained from him and from the course. Meditation that I learned from Adam remains a refuge and calming force in my life, and I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to take the course with him.”

— Jocelyn L., Labor and Childbirth Assistant

“He’s really funny.”

“Adam’s class brought me from occasional dabblings to a regular practice, and gave me, in just the eight weeks, the breadth and depth I needed to begin to feel grounded in frequent meditation. And he’s really funny, which helps!”

— Tim J., Software Engineer

“Whatever level you are at, Adam has something to offer.”

“I have known Adam for many years now; he is one of the most knowledgeable Buddhist teachers I have worked with. I appreciate his creative lessons and meditations as well as the balance of content and practice he brings to his class. Whatever level you are at, Adam has something to offer. Because of his vast experience in many different modalities of personal growth, Adam can often draw comparisons and contrasts with meditation and other world views. Adam is completely dedicated to his practice, and is a man with a deep commitment to his friends and family. He is also very funny and brings humor to his teaching. I highly recommend Adam Coutts as a meditation teacher.”

— Kevin O’M., Software Engineer and Growth Course Leader

“He shares … what came up for him during his seventeen years of meditation. I found that extremely helpful.”

“I didn’t really get to the core of meditation reading just books. And so I took an eight-week course with Adam. It’s an introduction to different types of meditations, and it’s fun. He’s very experienced in meditation matters and the fact that he’s a psychologist by education comes in handy. He especially shares a lot of common experiences he had with other meditation newbies, and what came up for him during his seventeen years of meditation. I found that extremely helpful.”

— Thomas G., Software Business Strategist

“He is an extremely natural teacher.”

“I want to thank thank thank Adam for having this class and sharing all of this info, opening, and good shit with us. He is an extremely natural teacher. Examples, metaphors, quotes, and in general speaking from the heart and experience. It’s a pleasure to have been so lucky to found his class on craigslist.”

— Kate H.

“A skilled, insightful, humorous, and creative meditation teacher.”

“Adam is a skilled, insightful, humorous, and creative meditation teacher. I enjoyed learning historical, philosophical and technical aspects of a variety of meditation styles. I would take more classes from him and recommend his class to anyone.”

— Tara S., Marine Biologist

“Adam was such an inspiration and a catalyst in introducing and first getting me interested in meditation!”

“I have just gotten out of volunteering for a retreat at the Vipassana center here in Nepal, after I completed sitting two ten-day retreats. That makes nearly a full month of meditation. Vipassana is such a big part of my life right now, and Adam was such an inspiration and a catalyst in introducing and first getting me interested in meditation!”

— Pei Ning W., Software Industry Product Manager

“I left our classes feeling in touch with a deep, blissful peace.”

“Adam’s meditation class was a big influence on the start of my spiritual path and practices. He taught me the basics of how to meditate in his class, and I left our classes feeling in touch with a deep, blissful peace. His style of teaching, and his friendship, are of the patient, humorous, honest and quick-witted variety. I am excited for him to put all of his brilliant thoughts and ideas into print some day, and for when he becomes a full-time psycho-spiritual personal growth leader.”

— Anitra K., Financial Industry Executive Assistant

“I have felt deeper peace than I have ever felt before.”

Test02“Adam Coutts’s Introduction to Meditation course changed my life forever. If you’re looking for a new way of dealing with the ups and downs of everyday life, if you want to get to know yourself better and become more self-aware, if you’d like to let go of old pain and cultivate a sense of well-being, or if you would just like to know more about this ‘mindfulness’ thing that’s suddenly getting a lot of attention in our culture and bring some of it into your life, then this class is for you. Adam is a deeply kind and gentle soul, and an amazing teacher; he makes 2,500 year-old wisdom immediately relevant to our modern, busy lives.

Part how much Adam’s class and teaching has meant to me: when I came to Adam’s class, I was only a few weeks past having been diagnosed with clinical depression. I think that I suffered from that condition for more than a decade, and by the time I finally broke down and sought professional help, I was willing to try anything — even psychopharmaceuticals, which I’ve never had a very high opinion of at all — because my pain was so acute, and my suicidal thoughts so real and unending. The unceasing noise — much of it self-hating — that had always been in my head was turned up to eleven while I was on those drugs. But soon I realized that was no solution, either.

And suddenly my sitting practice began to take on a whole new dimension. With a new vocabulary (“attachment”, “aversion”, and “ignorance”) that helped me name and understand my old demons in a new way, and a method for sitting in stillness and watching, feeling, and noting them, I began to see for the first time where all that unhappiness had been coming from for so long. Not too much later, it became clear that meditation practice was perhaps sufficient spiritual medicine to make the prescription chemicals unnecessary. So I took myself off them, much to my shrink’s horror, and continued with psychotherapy and my sitting practice. I’m pleased to say that the psychotherapy will probably come to an end soon, but I don’t anticipate any end to my sitting.

On my cushion, I have learned about myself, my place in the world, and the ultimate interconnectedness of all things. I have felt deeper peace than I have ever felt before. I feel I am growing to be more accepting, more mindful, and more loving. In Buddhism I’ve discovered a life philosophy that feels right, feels true, feels natural, feels in harmony with everything I experience in the universe, and brings me actual, undeniable peace. I feel that with Zen as a new foundation of sorts in my life, I really am ready to start over and find out what the universe has in store for me.”

— Matthew N., Web Developer

“I think Adam is a great teacher, and … [he] makes it very accessible.”

“I am happy and grateful to have been a part of the meditation class. I think Adam is a great teacher, and brings his own unique spin on things. He seems to know his stuff, and also makes it very accessible. I hope that he will continue teaching classes.”

— Lilli M., Restaurant Hostess and Dance Instructor

“Adam Coutts’ class was the beginning of my practice, and I have been meditating ever since.”

“Adam’s course covers a lot of ground, and introduced me to a smorgasbord of various Shamatha (concentration) and Vipassana (mindfulness) meditations. It was great to be introduced to such a variety so that I could pick the practices that suited me best. I would recommend this class to anyone.”

— Morgan A., Web Designer

“Adam brings a unique mix of humor, light-heartness and passion to make learning meditation fun and engaging.”

“Adam creates a class that is both practical and informative. By combining teachings of Buddhist philosophy with actual sitting practice, students can get a great deal out of the course. As with any other learning, it is much easier to learn in a group rather than on your own. If you are new to meditation, or experienced, Adam’s course can provide exactly the tool you may be looking for to deepen or begin a meditation practice. Also, Adam brings a unique mix of humor, light-heartness and passion to make learning meditation fun and engaging.”

— Amy E., Personal Care Worker and Live Poet

” Thank you, Adam, for changing my life by sharing your gifts with me”

“Adam is the real deal. I just completed his Intro to Meditation class, and am meditating regularly for the first time. I have been a dedicating yogini for fifteen years, but have struggled to integrate a sitting practice into my daily life. Adam’s approach changed everything for me. He is incredibly intelligent and has a professor’s knowledge of Buddhism, mindfulness, meditation, etc. But it is Adam’s ability to make esoteric concepts relevant to the uninitiated and to show his students how meditation – whether while seated, walking, talking, eating – is not that hard. For the first time, I now experience my meditation practice as a necessary break from the largely mindless activity of living, and an invitation to explore each moment as one would explore a new city on vacation. Thank you, Adam, for changing my life by sharing your gifts with me.”
— Elizabeth B., Attorney

“Adam was able to help each student in the class with whatever obstacles they encountered while trying to meditate.”

“I took Adam’s meditation class in Oakland. I found Adam to be a very skillful meditation teacher. Adam has extensive knowledge of both Buddhism and meditation, and his course teaches both meditation techniques, the tenets of Buddhism, and how they interrelate to each other. Adam was able to help each student in the class with whatever obstacles they encountered while trying to meditate. Adam was able to accommodate students who had no previous meditation experience and also students who already had some experience but wanted to go deeper. I’m also really like Adam’s blog at intromeditation.com. I find his writings to be interesting and insightful.”

— Michael W., Web Application Developer

“I’m grateful for Adam and the class.”

“I’m grateful for Adam and the class. It has provided a very valuable foundation for what I intend to be a lifetime of practice and growing awareness and an increasingly open heart.”

— Robyn S., Psychotherapist

“The growth I’ve made as a person is amazing … I learned so much.”

“The growth I’ve made as a person is amazing. I owe it so much to my Buddhist practice. I appreciate Adam. He is a great teacher; I learned so much through him.”

— Mary Ann M., Elementary School Teacher

“The dude pays attention, and makes some sharp connections.”

“I’ve been coaching with Adam for six months and he has become an invaluable resource in my life. He’s already got me thinking about my life with more clarity and potential. I both really enjoy and feel the value of our sessions. The dude pays attention, and makes some sharp connections. I also see the writing on the wall, and I can see that a meditation practice is going to start to become a positive part of my life too.”

— James K., Software Engineer

“He’s very real and down to earth.”

“If you are interested in a really good intro class, check out this one. Adam covers the whole spectrum of techniques, and helps you find one that works for you. He’s very real and down to earth. The class is very helpful for beginners. And, even though I’ve been around the spiritual block, I still learned a lot.”

— Jon L., User Experience Consultant

“He’s insightful, dedicated over many years, and (bonus) incredibly funny and sweet.”

“If you want to learn to meditate, and aren’t willing to go to ten-day retreat boot camps like I do, you might consider Adam’s course. He’s insightful, dedicated over many years, and (bonus) incredibly funny and sweet. I especially recommend this to those of you who say ‘I can’t meditate’ or ‘I can’t sit still for more than ten minutes.’ I bet you can.”

— Jessica B., Attorney and Life Coach

“The information was just what I was looking for.”

“I attended Adam’s meditation class earlier this year. The information was just what I was looking for. I wanted to understand the difference between Zen and other Buddhist types of meditation. In Adam’s class, I received more information than I thought was possible and the practice of the many varied ways to meditate. Understanding the basics of meditation is life changing, and the practice of meditation provides a path to get to know and love our many selves.”

— Cindy G., High School Guidance Counselor

“I really enjoyed Adam’s class, and it provided me with exactly what I had hoped for.

Test03“I really enjoyed Adam’s class, and it provided me with exactly what I had hoped for: a good introduction to various methods and schools of Buddhist meditation, and I left having learned both practical advice and philosophical understanding while gaining grounded experience. I loved it. I liked having two sittings per class, and I think having that time sitting together is important both to really get a sense of what it’s like to meditate with other people, and to have the opportunity to share our experiences afterwards. I liked the open-ended style of teaching, with lots of quotes and intriguing ideas put forth, and not a concrete dogmatic agenda. I very much intend to keep meditation a part of my life.”

— Rena D., Writer

“Fabulous stories that inspired me.”

“For me, Adam’s course has proven to be valuable and well worth my attendance. Most of what Adam said was new to me. He gave out a lot of information on Buddhist history and thought and told some fabulous stories that inspired me. We did many different meditations and had a chance to discuss them afterwards. It was nice to hear how it went for others and to get feedback from Adam. I recommend this course! I know many of us procrastinate – I didn’t start meditating regularly right after this class. However, a few months later, when I was ready to start a practice, I was so thankful that I had the grounding that Adam’s class offers to support me. Yep! You will be glad you took it.”

                — Shelley C., Acupuncturist and Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner

“His clear commitment to meditation comes through in his teaching and motivates students.”

“Adam introduces the basics of meditation in a way that is accessible to anyone but does not minimize its depth and uses. His clear commitment to meditation comes through in his teaching and motivates students to begin sitting.”

— David S., Graduate Student in International Studies

“Both a deep understanding of various meditation techniques and opportunities to practice them.”

“I highly recommend Adam’s Introduction Meditation class to anyone interested in a both a deep understanding of various meditation techniques and opportunities to practice them over a two-month period. Adam is mindful of the varying skill levels of each of his students (from years of practice to those who sit on a zafu for the first time) and he is masterful at keeping the class lively and engaging.”

— Aaron P., Political Consultant and Growth Course Leader